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Visitor's Page 

We hope you find our Sunday morning worship welcoming and meaningful. When we gather for worship, we trust that in some way each person will encounter the mystery we call God. Our traditional approach in worship recognizes that God is still speaking in many relevant and profound ways through Scripture, music and prayers.


You can expect to see a range in dress from formal to casual.


Children are always welcome. We love the energy kids bring to worship! Every Sunday there is a children’s message. From September to June we offer childcare for younger children and older children are invited to participate in church school. 


On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate communion. Our communion table is open to everyone who desires to participate - - members, nonmembers, adults and children.  (We leave it up to parents to decide when their children can participate.)  Usually communion is served in the pews: the congregation is invited to eat the bread as it is received, and hold the cup until everyone is served so that the cup can be shared together.   Occasionally, communion is served by intinction when the congregation comes forward to receive the bread and dip it into a common cup.  


To include everyone, we serve grape juice rather than wine for all communion celebrations.


After worship, join us for coffee hour – a time of fellowship and refreshments in our lower hall. Some refer to “coffee hour” as our weekly informal communion!








First Congregational Church of South Windsor wants the world to know that we have begun a new journey! First Congregational Church of South Windsor is now an Open and Affirming church community! On January 26, 2020, the historic congregation committed to what is surely one of the most important decisions made in our storied, 325+ year history. What exactly does this mean? This means that:


We seek to widen our expression of God’s Love by becoming a place of inclusiveness, diversity, and unconditional love that inspires all individuals in our community regardless of race, culture, age, ability, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.


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All material copyright First Congregational Church of South Windsor.

First Congregational Church of South Windsor

Voice: 860-528-7992    Email:

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