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Community Outreach


Our outreach activities are local and stretch us to help people and communities beyond South Windsor.


Collecting food for the South Windsor Food Pantry and Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC) Charities Pantry. We collect donations on the Second Sunday of each month.


We also hold a major food drive in November for South Windsor Department of Human Services Holiday Baskets.


Creating lap quilts for veterans. Workshops of  3-4 days workshop of sewers, pressers and cutters work to create lap quilts for veterans.


Providing Christmas gift bags, toys, gift cards and bus passes for Interval House.  Interval House is dedicated to providing services to prevent and break the cycle of family and intimate partner abuse. We strive to reach all persons at risk and bring about social change.


Our special financial offerings go to…


The Christmas Fund - a United Church of Christ offering to give supplemental monies to low-income retired clergy and lay employees, as well as to active clergy facing unforeseen financial crises.


Church World Service for blankets, tents, food and other emergency supplies in the wake of a disaster; tools and seeds for refugees returning home to replant their fields; wells for families living in drought prone areas to provide clean, safe water to drink and to irrigate crops and gardens; and literacy training and micro-credit for women struggling to realize their potential.


Our Palm Sunday Mission Collection was for Shower My Bebela through the hawkwing, inc.  


We have been longtime supporters of the Hartford Marathon by offering our church as a hub for a water station, bathroom facilities, as well as supplying power for the musical entertainment on race day.

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All material copyright First Congregational Church of South Windsor.

First Congregational Church of South Windsor

Voice: 860-528-7992    Email:

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