First Congregational Church of South Windsor
United Church of Christ

Whoever you are,
wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
Business Office Hours
Tues. - Fri.: 9am - 2pm

Our Mission
We strive to apply Jesus’ teaching by recognizing that every individual is a child of God and we welcome all to join us on our faith journey in providing guidance, love, and hope to our community and the world in the spirit of Jesus Christ.
Visit Us
993 Main Street, P.O. Box 165
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 528-7992
Worship: 10am on Sundays
Follow Us on Facebook at First Congregational Church of South Windsor
Business Office Hours -
Tues - Fri. 9am-2pm

Worship Services
Worship services are on Sundays at 10:00am in person and online. If you are interested in joining us for online worship, please email the church office at for the link.
The church office hours remain Tuesday - Friday 9am - 2pm. Should any pastoral need arise, please call the church office at (860) 528-7992 and your call will be returned as soon as possible. Have a blessed day!

Join us on Sunday, March 9th at 10AM for worship either in person or on Zoom. It is the First Sunday in Lent. To join us on Zoom, please contact the church office at to be added to the zoom list. We would love for you to join us.
Pastor Dean Kucera will lead our worship.
Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here at First Church.
993 Main Street, South Windsor, CT.


On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 First Congregational Church of South Windsor hosted the 2024 Union Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. Clergy throughout town of many faiths were invited to participate. We were honored to have our minister, the Rev. Dr. Dean M. Kucera lead the service together with the Rev. Mark Abernethy of Wapping Community Church, UCC; Rabbi Leah Benamy of Temple Beth Hillel synagogue; the Rev. Christine Boylan from Unity Church of Greater Hartford; the Rev. Pam Vollinger, UCC Minister; and Deacon Edward J. Giard of Saint Junipero Serra parish. It was a very special evening of unity and the offering collection of over $1200.00 will go to the South Windsor Food Bank.
Thank you to everyone who came and shopped our 2024 Heritage Holiday Fair. We appreciate all of the support! Please look for us next year: 2025 Fair Dates will be released soon!
We can't wait to see you - until then...we'll be crafting!




Carrie Morse, First Congregational Church of South Windsor, 860-528-7992,
Laura Soll, Temple Beth Hillel of South Windsor, Cell 860-833-4466,
SOUTH WINDSOR, CONN., November 21, 2024 – Greater Hartford residents are invited to an uplifting Interfaith Pre-Thanksgiving service on Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. at First Congregational Church of South Windsor, UCC at 993 Main Street in South Windsor, Conn.
This annual free community-wide event will feature inspirational readings, comments, music and songs by area clergy and leaders of many faiths, including: Pastor Dean M. Kucera of First Congregational Church of South Windsor, UCC; Rabbi Leah Benamy of Temple Beth Hillel synagogue; the Rev. Christine Boylan from Unity Church of Greater Hartford; Rev. Mark Abernethy from Wapping Community Church, UCC; Deacon Edward J. Giard, Saint Junipero Serra Parish, and others.
Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of whether they belong to a religious congregation. Worshipping in an interfaith community can remind people that we are here for each other, and with each other...especially now. Light refreshments will follow the service.
No registration is needed to attend this free event.
For more information, call the office at First Congregational Church of South Windsor at
Worship With Us!
We would love for you to join us either in person or on zoom for worship on Sunday, December 15th at 10:00AM for the Third Sunday of Advent. To join us Sunday on Zoom, please contact the church office at or (860)528-7992 to be added to the list.
We hope to see you at church.
Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

Did you know?
October 10th is World Mental Health Day.
Our church is participating in the United Church of Christ 2024 Neighbors in Need Special Offering during worship during the month of October. The 2024 Neighbors in Need theme is "Mental Health Justice for All". If you are sending your offering by mail, please indicate that your offering is to benefit the Neighbors In Need program.
2/3 of funds collected support Neighbors in Need advocacy, programming and grants. 1/3 of your generous gifts directly support CAIM.
About the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM)
The Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) is the voice for American Indian people in the UCC. CAIM provides Christian ministry and witness to American Indians and to the wider church. Justice issues that affect American Indian life are communicated to the whole UCC by CAIM.
Historically, the forebears of the UCC established churches and worked with Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arickara, and Hocak in North and South Dakota, Wisconsin and northern Nebraska. Today there are 20 UCC congregations on reservations and one urban, multi-tribal UCC congregation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. CAIM supports these local churches and their pastors. In addition, CAIM strives to be a resource for more than 1,000 individuals from dozens of other tribes and nations who are members of other UCC congregations and to strengthen their participation in the life of the church.
Much more information can be found here:

We are aware of the sharp increase in domestic violence incidents recently and want to take this opportunity to remind our members and friends of some helpful resources available in our community.
In CT, dialing 2-1-1 can connect you with all types of resources and services, both routine and emergency services.
(860) 527-0550 0r (860) 838-8467 offering safe, emergency shelter for individuals and children, safety planning, support groups and more.
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline (English) 888-774-2900
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline (Spanish) 888-831-9200
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233)
You can also text "Start" to 88788
What is Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence (DV), also called Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a pattern of coercive, controlling, dominant behavior that takes many forms, including physical, emotional, psychological, verbal, sexual, technological and financial.
Free and Confidential Help is Available.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support both the Pasta Dinner and the Church Jewelry Sale. Both were held as fundraisers towards the restoration of our failing church floor. We deeply appreciate all of the support of our historic church!

First Church participated in the 2024 Crop Walk for Hunger on Sunday, October 20th. Thanks to Vicky Margiott for heading up the First Church team! By participating via pledge donation or by walking, you are helping to end hunger right here in our community, one step at a time! We are always looking for walkers to join us! Do you wish to donate instead? Scan the QR code for more info or contact the church office if you need assistance. Thank for helping us end hunger!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the ladies social and shared the evening with us! Special thanks to our organizers Linda Dalpe and Sherri Milkie!

First Church participated in the Town-wide tag sale on Saturday, August 10th. The tag sale was a fundraiser to repair the failing floor of our historic little church. The support was overwhelming and we are very grateful to say that we have started a nice little foundation for our foundation fund. Our fundraising efforts will continue until we reach our goal. Stay tuned for more ways to help! We thank you all for your support!

Recently, First Church of South Windsor hosted a group of travelers visiting from a Christian church from Korea. They were interested in learning more about Jonathan Edwards and Timothy Edwards. We were happy to arrange that! It was truly a wonderful time of learning and laughter with our new friends from The First Church of Samsong. Thanks for visiting us!

Recently, some of us gathered for fun evening of fellowship and crafting paper flowers. We used paper from books, maps, and even a favorite hymnal. A few of our members had recently learned how to make these paper flowers at the South Windsor Public Library and wanted to share them with friends at our church. A nice time was had by all and we look forward to our May fun & fellowship evening creating patriotic paper stars!
We would love to see you at church! Sundays at 10:00AM in person and on zoom. Please contact the church office for the link.

Interested in becoming a member of First Church?
There will be a new member reception later this summer. Anyone interested in becoming a member of First Congregational Church, please speak to Pastor Dean and plan to meet with the Deacons following worship to let them know your intentions.

Worship is at 10:00AM on Sundays and offered both in person and on zoom.
Sewin4Servicemen is a group of dedicated sewers and quilters organized by First Church member, Judy Borré. They have been meeting in our church basement for years over the winter, generally 4 times for these all day sewing projects. Patriotic lap quilts are made for deserving veterans in our town as a special thank you for their service to our country. A few photos below from our lap quilt presentations recently. Thanks to all the sewers and quilters, and of course, organizer Judy Borré for their dedication to this special mission.
Interested in joining us? You do not need to be a member or have an affiliation with First Congregational Church. All are welcome here! Don't sew? We need ironers!
Please contact the church office for more information:
(860)528-7992 or
2024 Sewin4Servicemen Sewing Dates:
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Interested in joining us next time? Reach out to the church office to be notified of the next Sewin' dates!

Today is God's Gift: Your Present

Thank You SW Community Chorus!!
Thank you to the South Windsor Community Chorus for their spectacular concert held here at First Congregational Church. The talent is just incredible! For more information about the South Windsor Community Chorus, or for information about joining, please visit them at

During these uncertain times, we reflect upon the many ways in which God can be found in our world around us.

Prayer Place by Adrienne A.

Near the River by Lilly M.

Sunset on Christmas 2020 by VIcky M.

Peace by the Pond at the Park by Lee and Rachel A.

First Congregational Church of South Windsor wants the world to know that we have begun a new journey! First Congregational Church of South Windsor is now an Open and Affirming church community! On January 26, 2020, the historic congregation committed to what is surely one of the most important decisions made in our storied, 325+ year history. What exactly does this mean? This means that:
We seek to widen our expression of God’s Love by becoming a place of inclusiveness, diversity, and unconditional love that inspires all individuals in our community regardless of race, culture, age, ability, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
We strive to apply Jesus’ teaching by recognizing that every individual is a child of God and we welcome all to join us on our faith journey in providing guidance, love, and hope to our community and the world in the spirit of Jesus Christ.
Come, join us! “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” Worship Services on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am.